
WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Boxshot

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Author

WEBaby Corp.

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Features

Sitecraft-Studio is an Easy-to-use site Creator. Use it to Build a site with your own hands quickly and without any technical difficulties. You do not need to know web-Programming, Designer Tools or web protocols. Even web registration will be done by Sitecraft almost automatically. It is a professional tool that allows nonprofessionals to create professonal looking Sites.

The main Features of Sitecraft 2008:

- Html code meets the requirements of present-day Internet and browsers.

- Sitecraft was developed on the basis of Unicode. You can Make multilingual pages and Sites using the signs from any alphabets.

- Easy Updates will Help you to get the last versions of the program by one click of a button. Thanks to Easy Updates we can quickly Fix errors and Add new Tools to Sitecraft in order it could meet Market requirements.

You can Open Sites made in old Sitecraft versions with the Help of Sitecraft 2008. Sitecraft will Copy your site in new Format to Sitecraft 2008 Workshop and at the same time your site will remain in old Workshop.

Understanding of all benefits of Sitecraft 2008 will come to you when you start step by step web-site Creation.

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Trial Download


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WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Screenshot

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio Operating Systems

Windows NT/2000,Windows XP,Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003,Windows Vista,Windows 7

WEBaby Sitecraft-Studio System Requirements

Pentium 800, RAM 384M, Internet connection for site publication

