
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Features

Every Website needs a Frequently Asked Questions Page where its visitors can Find important information about the Website. A Frequently Asked Questions Page saves time and Money because customers can easily Find answer for the most important questions.

Our Frequently Asked Questions script is Easy to installed and implement. It is a unique FAQ that lets Website owners create a FAQ Page with the Content and the format required. The script has some amazing Features and ease Design to Help the administrator decide the type of Content, questions, and answers to be published. Users can Submit questions but all questions submitted need to be approved by the administrator. The form for submitting questions is secured with CAPTCHA in order to avoid Automatic bot and spammers.

The administration panel provides the Tools needed in order to setup a successful Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Page. Administrator can Submit, Edit, and remove questions and answers. The administrator can also Make a question inactive without having to delete the question. Inactive questions are not published; they just show in the administrator panel. All questions are arranged by categories to Help the users Find the questions they are looking for or browse only the section they are interested. The front Page also has a Search box to Find any question available. Users do not need to type the whole question but, part of it, in order to Find the most relevant responds. The answer section has a WYSIWYG editor which also includes Editing in Html. Administrator can easily change fonts, text size, colors, include Graphics, videos, links, and more. Using all those Features does not require any Knowledge of Html because the editor is so Easy to use.

The category List in the Frequently Asked Questions script also has similar Features than the question List. The administrator can Add, Edit, delete, activate, or inactivate any category. The administrator user name is an Email that can easily be changed from the administrator panel. Just login to admin panel and click on change Email to change the login Email and, change Password to change the admin login Password for the Frequently Asked Questions script. EVERY Website NEEDS A FAQ Page

Every Website needs a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page where the visitors can Find relevant information about the Products and Services offered by the site. The Frequently Asked Questions script save time in communicating the customers the purpose of the existence of the Website and the benefits it offers to them. This is a Good opportunity to provide your clients with important answers to their questions. Having a Frequently Asked Questions Page on your Website provides relevant Content and fast responds to all your clients. It reduces your Email load because you can redirect your customers to your Frequently Asked Questions Page instead of Writing individual Emails to your visitors. The Content can easily be index by the Search Engines which makes it easier for your clients to Find your information and details of your Products and Services.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Operating Systems


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) System Requirements

* Linux * MySQL 4+ * phpMyAdmin * (MySQL Administration Tool) * PHP 5+ * Apache

